CSULB’s cultural fashion show

ASI will host a cultural fashion show for Cal State Long Beach students on Friday, December 9th.

The show will kick off ASI's One World: International Fusion, a culturally diverse event to be held in the spring featuring music, speakers, and dance performances, according to
ASI Senator Ojaala Ahmad.

During the two hour-long event, Long Beach students will model cultural apparel portraying at least ten different countries from Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa, and more.

Cultural council planners say there is no requirement for models, and the show is open to all students who are interested.

"We want it to be as real as possible, to reflect students," Ahmad said.

The event aims to showcase the cultural diversity among Long Beach students, as well as to educate them on other countries, according to student commissioner Steve Lopez.

“I think its important, as students, to be educated about different cultures and backgrounds, so that we can develop a sense of understanding and acceptance,” said Lopez.

Lopez says entertainment will also be provided for students, who can expect games, prizes international treats, and more at the event.

The show is of no cost to students and will commence at 7 p.m. in the University Student Union Ballroom.